Every organizational topic can be visualized by a constellation. Each element of the enterprise system can be expressed in a constellation. By mapping the system, hidden dynamics become visible.

Systemic constellations reveal embedded patterns that are otherwise very challenging to understand and change. Even if we intellectually recognize the patterns of negative behaviors and destructive relationships, it is in practice extremely difficult to transform these patterns and simplify complexity.

Through systemic constellations, we become aware of the complex web of interconnection reaching into our society, organizations and life. Experiencing this interconnectedness has an amazing effect in our organizations and gives a possibility to transform unhealthy systems, untangle patterns and create a more holistic future.

If you use the traditional problem-solving approach and divide the system into a linear analytical process describing the individual key elements, you will exclude the relations between them, as they often are invisible.

A system is more than the individual elements due to their interconnections. If you take a mobile as an example, you cannot change one element in the mobile, without affecting the whole system. It is the same with an organization. Therefore, we have to understand and work with the system as one identity, just like the word “constellate” means to unite in a cluster.

The German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger has given us the tool of systemic constellations with which we can examine a system or organization in such a way that we are able to discover and agree to ‘what is’ looking at the system as a whole. Hereafter we can choose the proper interventions to repair the systems imbalances.

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."

Albert Einstein

As a living system defines itself, not only by its individual parts, but also by the relationships between the parts, we must also be able to identify the current state of relationships in the system before making any interventions. Thereby we can transform an unhealthy system into a healthy one.

Constellations have proved very successful in the context of:

  • Business start-ups
  • Company succession
  • Market analyses
  • Selection of personnel
  • Supplier selection
  • Financing strategies
  • Innovation management
  • Stakeholder analyses
  • Environmental protection
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Employee satisfaction
  • Strategic processes
  • Coming to terms with the past
  • Corporate mergers
  • Traumatic events
  • Cultural analyses

A system is more than the individual elements due to their interconnections. Therefore, a systemic conflict approach will understand and work with the system as one identity.